DR Oluwole Fajolu


My Publications

  • Fajolu 0. Cloacogenic Carcinoma of the Anorectum Journal of National Medical Association (U.S.A. Vol 63 No 1 pp 115-119- July 1975 )
  • Barlow B; Fajolu 0. ; Leblanc W. Hydatid Torsion Am J. Dis. Child. Vol 132 pp 1216-1217 -December 1978
  • Garvey J.W.; Mehta A; Fajolu 0.; Crastnopol P. Two New Complications of Heroin Drug Abuse New York State Journal of Medicine 1983
  • Fajolu 0. Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia; Nigeria Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine – 1984
  • Fajolu 0. Carcinoma of the lung Self Instructional Package for the college of Medicine University of Lagos
  • Fajolu 0. Foregin Body Impaction in the Esophague 10 years experience in a Teaching Hospital Journal of National Medical Association 1986 Vol. 78 No 10 pp 987-990
  • Fajolu O.; R. Braun Spontaneous Pneumothorax as First Manifestation Of Bronchial Carcinoma and Mesothelioma Contemporary Surgery July 1989 Vol. 31 No 1 pp 39-42
  • I.J. Strumpf; R. Drucker; K. Anders; S. Cohen; Fajolu 0 . Acute Esoinophilic Pulmonary Disease associated with The ingestion of L-Tryptophan containing products Chest – In Press
  • Fajolu0. Chapter in Manual of Emergency Surgery; Thoracic Emergencies 1991 pp 62-84